

Pre-K through 6th Grade: $10,560
Registration/Re-Enrollment Fee: $350 per family
Assessment Fee: $100 per student

Adjusted Options for Pre-K:
3-Day, Half Day: $
5-Day, Half Day: $

Adjusted Option for Kindergarten:
5-Day, Half Day: $

Half Day students can stay for an afternoon enhancement class, for an additional fee of $720/year per amount of enhancement days.


Logic/rhetoric tuition

7th through 12th Grade: $11,340
Registration Fee: $350 per family
Assessment Fee: $100 per student



Homeschool students in 7th – 12th grade may apply to take a la carte classes for $400 per class period. An application must be completed and accompanied by a $350 application fee. To begin the process of applying, please click HERE to schedule a visit (please mention “à la carte classes” in the Additional Questions/Comments box). Because students will be considered enrolled at GCCA, all school policies apply (uniform, discipline, attendance, etc.).

A la carte classes and tuition listed below:

Logic School (7th-8th)

  • Introductory Logic (3 periods)

  • Intermediate Logic (3 periods)

  • Physical Science (3 periods)

  • New Testament Survey (4 periods)

  • Medieval History I (4 periods)

  • Medieval Literature I with Integrated Composition (5 periods)

  • Pre- Algebra (4 periods)

Rhetoric School (9th-12th)

  • Greek I (3 periods)

  • Rhetoric I (3 periods)

  • Rhetoric II (3 periods)

  • Rhetoric III (Jr. Thesis) (3 periods)

  • Systematic Theology (3 periods)

  • Historical Theology (3 periods)

  • Philosophy (3 periods)

  • Pre- Calculus (4 periods)

  • Algebra I (5 periods)

  • Geometry (5 periods)

  • Algebra II (4 periods)

  • Biology with Lab (5 periods)

  • Intro to Physics with Lab (5 periods)

  • Duo- Integrated Modern History I and Modern Literature I (7 periods)

  • Duo- Integrated Medieval History II and Medieval Literature II (7 periods)


The following information has been compiled primarily for the benefit of those families who have had children accepted as students in Grace Classical Christian Academy.  Although our preeminent task is to educate students, we need to ensure that all financial arrangements and practices are clearly understood and followed by all concerned.

A.  Fees – The following list includes all the fees that families are responsible to pay:

a.      Registration/Re-enrollment FeeThese are annual payments of $350/family that are paid using the down-payment feature on FACTS, a third-party tuition management system that we use.  Similar to an earnest payment on a new house, this fee is non-refundable at any time, unless acceptance is denied.  Registrations will be considered firm only when the entire registration fee is paid. 

b.     FACTS Enrollment FeeThis is an annual fee of $25 or $55/family required by FACTS that is determined by the payment plan chosen by the family.

c.      Assessment Fee: This is one-time $100/student fee that covers student testing. This assures us that we are placing each student in the proper grade.

d.     Latin Book FeeThis is a $60 fee for students in 3rd-12th. Paid through FACTS.

B.   Tuition – By using FACTS, you may choose either a monthly (due by the 1st or 5th of each month), quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payment plan.  These payments span twelve months, beginning in June and continuing through May (there is a tuition installment fee of 2% of annual tuition for monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual payment plans).  Families enrolling in school after June will have the tuition divided over the remaining payments (i.e., July through May or August through May).  Payments are deducted automatically and securely by FACTS through a bank-to-bank transaction (checking or savings account) or can be made by a variety of credit cards.  Questions on specific bills may be addressed to the school office.   

C.   Uniforms & Supplies – Before the first day of school, families are expected to purchase the items on their child’s Student Supply List, which will be provided upon acceptance. Additionally, all required uniforms are available for purchase through Land’s End. Details are located in the Student-Parent Handbook. 

D.   Extra-curricular/Athletic Activities – These fees are assessed on a per-user basis, since not all the school families will necessarily use these options.  

E.    Non-refundable Status of Tuition and Fees – Due to the fact that the school contracts with our teachers and staff to pay them a set amount for the year, regardless of any reduction in student population, and in consideration of the per student costs we incur in materials and overhead for the year, we cannot refund any paid registration, placement test, or tuition fees. There is a withdrawal fee of 100% of remaining tuition for students who withdraw after June 1.

F. Grant & Aid Assessment – We also use FACTS for Grant & Aid Assessment. Families with children in grades K-11 who are in need of tuition assistance may fill out an application online, which requires a $35 fee. The application window is open from November 1 – October 31 each year.